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Install, customise and publish your own design history.

This project makes it easy to:

  • create pages of screenshots to document designs
  • document designs using the GOV.UK Design System
  • print pages of designs
  • make designs shareable and linkable

The project is built using the Eleventy static site generator, meaning your design history site can be adapted as a service grows. This post describes how to get started.


Start by making a copy of this project. The easiest way to do this is on GitHub. Visit the the govuk-design-history-template repository, and click ‘Use this template’. You’ll be asked to choose a GitHub user or organisation that should own this new repository, and a name for your copy.

To start making changes, you’ll need to download the repository to your own computer. Assuming your GitHub user is my-username, and you called your repository my-service-design-history, using the Terminal you would type:

git clone

Next, change into the downloaded folder, and install all the dependencies needed to run the design history project. Do this by typing the following:

cd my-service-design-history
npm install


Before uploading your design history to a public URL, it can be useful to preview it locally, on your own computer. To do this type:

npm start

Once all the files have been generated, a URL will be shown which you can enter into your browser’s address bar (usually this is http://localhost:8081).

Whenever you add a new post, or edit an existing post, the browser will automatically refresh the page with any changes applied.


Before adding posts, you’ll probably want to customise a few things for the site to make sense for your service.

Change the name of the website

  1. Open the file eleventy.config.js
  2. Within the options for @x-govuk/govuk-eleventy-plugin, change the value for productName to the name you want to use. This name will appear in the header.

You can also change the organisation name and logo, as well as other aspects of the header. See header options in the documentation for the @x-govuk/govuk-eleventy-plugin.

Update the homepage

  1. Open the file app/
  2. Change the value shown for title. The value you give here is used for the large heading shown at the top of the page
  3. Change the value shown for description. The value you give here is used for the text that appears below the title. You can also remove this line if you don’t want to show anything here.

If you want to link to other tools your team uses, you can place these in the footer.

  1. Open the file eleventy.config..js
  2. Within the options for @x-govuk/govuk-eleventy-plugin, add values for the footer option. This option takes the same values as those for the footer component, allowing you to add navigation sections and links.

You can also change the copyright statement and content licence. See footer options in the documentation for the @x-govuk/govuk-eleventy-plugin.


You’re now ready to start documenting your designs. To add a new post:

  1. Create a new file in the app/posts folder. Files should be named using the format, where:

    • YYYY is the year
    • MM is the month
    • DD is the day
    • slug is the text you want to appear in the URL

    For example: will create a page that can be reached at <your-design-history>/first-designs/

  2. Posts are made up of 2 parts: a front matter and its contents.

    A front matter starts and ends with --- and is written using a key/value data format called YAML. In most cases, you will only need three bits of information: title, description and date. For example:

    title: First designs for a minimum viable service
    description: A minimum viable service that could allow the providers to access and manage their ITT applications.
    date: 2020-02-19

    The content portion of a post uses Markdown, a lightweight markup language used to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. You can learn more about writing Markdown with this guide.

  3. Save the file, and visit the browser. You should see your new post listed on the home page.


Make things open, it makes them better. You can do this by deploying (or uploading) your design history to a third-party host. This project includes support for 2 different services, Heroku and Netlify.


Follow this guide on connecting a GitHub repository to Heroku. This is the easiest way to ensure changes are automatically deployed once they are merged to the default branch.

The process is very similar to setting up a prototype on Heroku.

Password protect your design history

We’ve found it’s better to keep a design history public.

If you need to make yours private, you can add a username and password using “Config vars” on Heroku.

From the Settings page, add 2 items with the keys NODE_HTTP_SERVER_USERNAME and NODE_HTTP_SERVER_PASSWORD and setting a username and password in the values (you can use the same phrase for both).


Follow this guide on deploying websites to Netlify. When asked for a build command, use npm run build.