
The rig has a number of options that allow you to customise the behaviour of your prototype.

The rig uses cosmiconfig to find and load a configuration file. Starting from the current working directory, it looks for the following possible sources:

  • a prototype property in package.json
  • a .prototyperc file
  • a prototype.config.js file exporting a JavaScript object
  • a prototype.config.cjs file exporting a JavaScript object (if you have "type": "module" set in package.json)

The search stops when one of these is found. You can use the --config CLI option to short-circuit this search.

The .prototyperc file (without extension) can be in JSON or YAML format. Add a filename extension to help your text editor provide syntax checking and highlighting:

  • .prototyperc.json
  • .prototyperc.yaml / .prototyperc.yml
  • .prototyperc.js


The following options can be set in your configuration file:

Name Type Description
serviceName string The name of your service. Default is 'Your service name'.
templateExtension string The file extension used for your templates. Default is 'html'.
useAuth boolean Enable or disable password protection on production. Default is true.
useAutoStoreData boolean Automatically store form data and send to all views. Default is true.
useCookieSessionStore boolean Enable cookie-based session store (persists on restart). Please note 4KB cookie limit per domain, cookies too large will silently be ignored. Default is false.
useHttps boolean Force HTTP to redirect to HTTPS on production. Default is true.
defaultRigLayout string Use a layout from your prototype for the views provided by the rig. So, for example the ‘Clear session data’ and password pages can use a layout that matches the rest of your prototype. If no option is given rig pages will use the default template.njk layout. Example: layouts/default.html, if your prototype has a default layout in the app/views/layouts directory. Always include the file extension, .html or .njk.