Radio options

This helper is a drop-in replacement for the standard choose helper which adds some additional usability and accessibility checks.

Radio options should always be nested within a fieldset, so you need to combine this helper with the within_govuk_fieldset helper.

Here’s a basic example:

scenario "Selecting a radio option" do
  visit "/"

  within_govuk_fieldset "Where do you live?" do
    choose_govuk_radio "Wales"
  click_govuk_button "Continue"

  expect(page).to have_content("Wales")

The helper will check that:

  • there is a label with the given text
  • a radio input is correctly associated with that label using the for attribute
  • the label and input are both nested within a fieldset that has the legend given


If a radio option has a hint, you can specify this to check that it is correctly associated with the field using aria-describedby:

scenario "Selecting a radio option which has a hint" do
  visit "/"

  within_govuk_fieldset "What is the event about?" do
    choose_govuk_radio "Technology", hint: "For example, the Web"
  click_govuk_button "Continue"

  expect(page).to have_content("Technology")