
This helper is a drop-in replacement for the standard click_button helper which adds some additional usability and accessibility checks.

As well as working with standard <button> elements, the helper should also be used for links that are styled as buttons.

Use this within tests that fill in forms across multiple pages.

Here’s a simple example:

scenario "Completing the form" do
  visit "/"

  click_govuk_button "Start now"

  fill_in "Name", with: "Jane Smith"
  click_govuk_button "Continue"

  fill_in "Email address", with: "jane@example.com"
  click_govuk_button "Continue"

  expect(page).to have_content("Check your answers")

The helper will check that:

  • there aren’t 2 or more buttons with the same text
  • the button has the govuk-button class
  • that data-module="govuk-button" has been added
  • if the button is a link styled as button, that draggable="false" and role="button" have been added
  • the button is not disabled

Disabled buttons

Disabled buttons are strongly discouraged as they have poor contrast and can confuse some users.

If you really need to use disabled buttons, or have some user research showing it makes your service easier to understand, you can use the helper to click these by adding disabled: true. Clicking disabled buttons will not submit a form.

scenario "Clicking a disabled button" do
  click_govuk_button "Send application", disabled: true

  expect(page.current_path).to eql("/")