Text fields

This helper is a drop-in replacement for the standard fill_in helper, which adds some additional usability and accessibility checks.

Use this within tests that navigate between multiple pages.

Here’s a simple example:

scenario "Filling in an event name" do
  visit "/"

  fill_in_govuk_text_field("Event name", with: "Design System Day")

  expect(page).to have_content("Design System Day")

The helper will check that:

  • there is a label with the given text
  • a text field is correctly associated with that label using the for attribute


If a text field has a hint, you can check that this is correctly associated with the field.

scenario "Filling in an event name" do
  visit "/"

  fill_in_govuk_text_field("What is the name of the event?",
    hint: "The name you’ll use on promotional material",
    with: "Design System Day"

  expect(page).to have_content("Design System Day")