Summary lists

Use this helper to test that the summary list component is visible on the page with the correct content, for example on a check your answers page.

Add this code:

expect(html).to summarise(
  key: "Name",
  value: "Sarah Philips",
  action: {
    text: "Change name",
    href: "/name"
expect(html).to summarise(
  key: "Date of birth",
  value: "5 January 1978",
  action: {
    text: "Change date of birth",
    href: "/dob"

This will test that:

  • the keys and values are present, and in the same row as each other
  • the action links are present, and link to the pages specified

If you don’t have any change links, those can be dropped:

expect(html).to summarise(
  key: "Name",
  value: "Sarah Philips"
expect(html).to summarise(
  key: "Date of birth",
  value: "5 January 1978"