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Layout for date-based content, such as blog posts or news items.

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To use this layout, make post the value for a page’s layout key:

layout: post
title: Page title

Page content

In addition to common front matter options, this layout accepts the following options:

Name Type Description
author string or object Post author. string Name of post author. Overrides any single value given for author.
author.url string URL for website of post author.
authors Array Post authors. Overrides any value(s) given for author. string Name of post author.
authors.url string URL for website of post author.
date string

Date post was published using the ISO 8601 format.

image object Image shown above post content.
image.src string Path to post image.
image.alt string Alternative text for post image.
image.caption string Caption shown below post image.
image.opengraphImage boolean Whether image should also be used as the page’s Open Graph share image.
modified string

Date post was updated using the ISO 8601 format.

tags Array List of tags post relates to.